SO. MUCH. TO. CELEBRATE! And a gift for email subscribers! [GXYZ]

SO. MUCH. TO. CELEBRATE! And a gift for email subscribers! [GXYZ]
Welcome to the main GXYZ newsletter! I'll be going over anything that's happened on the blog and things I've done over the last week (or since the last newsletter). Visitors to the blog will typically be able to see the first half of the newsletter. However, only members will see the full thing—and have it delivered directly to their inbox! If you'd like to join us here at GXYZ, subscribe today!


I had no idea that I'd get 50 subscribers this year when I started writing THUNDERFANG. I figured, "Yup. This venture will fail a few months in the year like normal."

I thought hitting 20 subscribers was something massive.

And then 30... and then 40...

And on Tuesday—a very stressful day for me, honestly—I noticed I had another bump in subscribers.


I want to thank ALL OF YOU for subscribing and following me and everything that I do. It really means the world to me. I can't wait to provide more of what's locked away in my head, whether it be blog posts or fiction or whatever else I cook up!

New blog series!

Speaking of things locked away in my head, I started a new blog series  (No, not Merx yet lol). I call it Alone Time. In it, I'll dive into the various products, supplements, tools, etc. that I use to solo roleplay. The made the first post in this series on Monday, and in it I review a solo dungeon adventure called The Dead Don't Sleep. Go check out the blog post and the supplement!

Alone Time: The Dead Don’t Sleep Review
The perfect solo supplement that I’ve used to test out various new DnD characters and put them to the test!

There's a plethora of solo things out there, and I can't wait to share them with y ou all!

Rise & Shiningstar PDF!

If I don't release this now, it'll never come out. lol

SO, I've finally turned Rise & Shiningstar into a PDF! After the "high" of making A Thousand Sweet Kisses, I decided to flex my Affinity Publisher muscles a bit and try to make my Starforged one-shot into a PDF. I had help with ATSK's layout (City of Mist offers an InDesign template that opens up in Affinity), but I decided to use what I learned and make the layout for this from scratch. Helped cement a lot of things in my brain, so the next one(s) will be even better!

I have it available on and on my Ko-fi. Don't worry: the original version on the blog will remain here and free.

There's more to this post! Subscribe—for FREE!—to get the full post.

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